MacNeil Laboratory
McMaster University
Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences

News and Events
Lab photo 2023-2024

Inaugural Lab GIF 2021-2022

Lab photo 2020-2021 (the beginning of the virtual lab meeting era)

Lab photo 2018-2019

Lab photo 2019-2020

Lab photo 2017-2018

Trying to take the lab photo...

April, 2017 - Goodbye dinner for Ana
The MacNeil lab said goodbye to Ana and celebrated her successful co-op term at a dinner together. We wish you the best Ana!
Federal Science Minister Dr. Kirsty Duncan visits the lab

Photo credits: photos 1-3 Department of Communications and Public Affairs, McMaster University. Photo 4. Simon Wilson, Canadian Press.
April, 2016 - Integrative Physiology meeting - La Foundation des Treilles. Tourtour, France
Lesley talks about worms, microbiota and health of the nervous system

Dundas Central grade 5 class visit
Andrea presents her thesis project.
Nice poster!
Undergraduate Research Day
Andrea and Blake inspire the next generation of scientists!

Summer 2015- Picnic at McCaul-Orde Park Toronto
Picnic in the park to celebrate the planting of Fiona's (aka Fi B.C. - pronounced Fee-bee-cee) commemorative tree. Thanks to generous donations from Fiona's former co-workers, and tireless efforts by Louise Dixon, we were able to get the tree planted just behind Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Pictured here coworkers from the Culotti, Spence and MacNeil labs.
Yearly Events
March 15 - Fiona Broackes-Carter day
Once a year, we honour the memory of Fiona Broackes-Carter by celebrating her birthday with the lab.
Fiona was a passionate scientist, a great friend and a wonderful human being.